I originally published this in February 2010, but it's something I've been doing for years.
I am addicted to magazines. But they have a tendency to take over my life. They collect all over the house until I'm pulling out tabloids from 2005 with Britney Breakdown cover stories.
Quite a few years ago I figured out a system to periodically rid myself of magazine clutter, while also keeping my favorite pictures and little snippets of articles.
I created a personal Look Book of inspiration from these inexpensive sketch books from an art store.
While I'm reading a magazine, I turn down the pages that have something I like on them. Before I throw the magazine in the recycle bin, I rip out the snippets I like and tape them into book. I just tape them right down with the tape showing and everything.
Eventually I moved from having just one Look Book to having one for home-related things and one for clothes/beauty/gifts. The Home Look Book is a larger size because I tend to rip entire pages out of home magazines.
These books are a constant source of inspiration for me. Sometimes I look at a snippet and think, "I wonder why I tore that out?" but most of the time I think, "Oh, I forgot about that! Love it!" And then I sigh over my exquisite taste.
I turn to the Look Books when I need a gift idea or am stuck creatively.
The key is to get the turned down pages ripped out and taped into the books in a timely manner. I may or may not be so excellent at that part.
Do you do something similar?
How do you collect ideas and inspiration?