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October 2012


  • I grew up in a one-stoplight Oklahoma town before I fell into a life in Los Angeles. I met my unexpected husband on a movie set, and spent years working in reality television until we married and started our family. We live in Hollywood with our two small children and my work is at home. I am literally a Hollywood housewife.
  • That cliche doesn't mean what it used to. The women in my life can discuss politics and lipstick in the same breath. Amen.


LOGO final large
Sorta Awesome Podcast final large
Favorite books button
Read great books literature challenge button

yearly mantras

Start where you are
Set the tone
Do the work
Only what matters
Shutterfly Free Stuff


  • Hollywood Housewife contains sidebar advertising and some contextual affiliate links. An affiliate link means that if you click through and purchase an item I have featured, I may receive a commission on the sale. You would never pay more for for the product, the commission comes from the regular retail price. I only feature products that I either already own or genuinely like, advertising is never part of my content decisions. On the occasion when a post or giveaway is sponsored, I will always note that in the actual post. If I refer to an item as "courtesy of," that means I received that item gratis. I do not blog about everything I receive, but when I do my opinions are always my own.


  • All content, including photos, published on HH are the property of laura tremaine unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy without permission.
  • You may contact me at housewife (at) hollywood housewife (dot) com.