The link up for the #OneDayHH project is now live. Link up your blog post or your Instagram profile!
Ever wish you could go back to a certain year in your life and just look at one day? See the details? Remember the kind of makeup you wore then, notice the packaging of your favorite snack, sigh over that annoying bedtime ritual that used to make you crazy that you now fervently miss?
This is what the One Day project is about. Taking just one day and documenting it from eyes open until eyes closed. Noticing especially the things that your eyes normally pass right over.
If you're on Instagram, we'll be over there posting like maniacs and using the hashtag #OneDayHH. If you're a blogger, there is a link up below where you can link to any blog posts you create around your One Day. It will stay live through the end of the weekend. If you're not a blogger, link up using your Instagram URL.
Here's what you do:
1. Take pictures of your day.
2. Post to Instagram or your blog.
3. Link up here.
4. Love life.
Still confused? Follow my lead on Instagram or follow the hashtag #OneDayHH to see how others are doing it. There are even more details about the One Day project in this post.
Have fun!
Here's how to link up:
1. If you're a blogger, link up the URL of your post, NOT just your main page. Follow directions on choosing an image, etc.
2. If you want to link up your Instagram profile, you must use and then you can choose one of your #OneDayHH photos as your thumbnail in the linky. Go to, login using your Instagram information, click on "my photos" and then use that URL as your link here.