I've been happily reading all summer. And some of those things I can't wait to tell you about (like Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection, holy self-revelation), but there are so many things in my reading queue that I thought I'd share in case you need some summer reading inspiration.
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Okay, now look. I'm not giving up my Dr. Pepper habit any time soon, but I'm finally acquiescing to the fact that I need to know more about what I'm putting into my body. I've experimented just a teensy bit lately, and, wonder of wonders, I feel better when I eat better. So. I'm starting the reading part of that here.
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. So many people have recommended this book to me, and I keep hearing it referenced in all sorts of conversations. I've owned it for awhile, but now it's time to read it.
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I bought this book from Book Soup in LA a couple of years ago, but have always been distracted by shiny things, so this classic has been sitting on my bedside for awhile.
The UnTethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. Okay, work with me here. I saw Singer interviewed with Oprah and I got curious. Then Whoorl mentioned it as one of her favorites and so I bought. I'm being open minded.
Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt. First of all, I liked the cover. Then I saw Mom Advice saying she really liked it. I was in need of novels earlier in the summer after I realized how many non-fictions I had waiting, so I added this one.
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. On the FB thread where I asked for novel suggestions, several people recommended Margaret Atwood books. I mentioned that I had started The Robber Bride a few times and couldn't get into it, and almost all of the Atwood fans said I should start with The Blind Assassin instead. I took their advice and downloaded it, because I really want to see what all the fans are raving about.
Summer House with Swimming Pool by Herman Koch. Not everyone agreed with me, but I loved The Dinner. So when I saw Koch's newest on sale for the kindle I snatched it up. I'm looking forward to it, because I like the way he writes a thriller without making me scared to sleep at night.
Delancey by Molly Wizenberg. This writer/blogger/chef is a friend of a friend of a friend and she's from Oklahoma. I liked her first book A Homemade Life and the premise of Delancey was even more appealing. I've heard nothing but good things already.
Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. My friend Nora recommended this book to me a few years ago, and I trust her taste. I sort of forgot about it until I saw it on the shelf at Costco. (Anyone else book shop at Costco? It makes me sort of giddy to find something good to read amidst stacks of meat and 1,000 count crackers.) It seems like a fun summer read and I'll probably choose it for the week we're at the beach.
Y'all, this isn't even the end of my list but I'm forcing myself to stop. As I was typing, I also remembered that it was this time last summer that I read Loving Frank. I still think about that book often, it was so interesting.
Tell me in the comments what you're reading or what you plan to read next. Clearly I need more suggestions.